Christmas Molded Cookies

4 lge. Eggs
2 cups Sugar
1 teaspoons Anise extract
4 1/2 cups Sifted cake flour

Mix eggs until fluffy and light. Add in the sugar a little at a time, and mix for 15 min. Be sure to mix the entire 15 minutes, make sure to not underbeat. Gently fold in the cake flour and anise flavoring extract. Roll the dough to a 3/8″ thickness. Before molding, make sure the molds are well floured to prevent sticking to the rolling pin or cookie molds. Press the molds firmly to impress the shapes onto the dough. Slice cookies apart carefully. Place cookies on a well greased and floured baking sheet. Cover cookies on baking sheet with paper towels and let dry at least 12 hours at a normal room temp. When ready to bake, pre-heat oven to 375F degrees. Place the cookies in the oven, reducing the temperature to about 300 and baking for 15 min. Don’t allow cookies to get brown. Can be decorated with paint made by tinting egg yolk with your desired colors of food coloring. Recipe makes six dozen cookies.

Do note that this recipe requires the use of a special molded rolling pin or molded cookie cutters.

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